dominance effect

美 [ˈdɑːmɪnəns ɪˈfekt]英 [ˈdɒmɪnəns ɪˈfekt]
  • 显性效应
dominance effectdominance effect
  1. Among the genetic main effect s , dominance effect was more important than additive effect .


  2. Dominance effect exists among allele , and interaction exists among non - allelic genes .


  3. 17.3 % QTLs ( that was 17 loci ) expressed dominance effect ;


  4. 36.8 % QTLs ( that was 36 loci ) expressed partly dominance effect ;


  5. The major genetic effect is the dominant on fiber elongation . the dominance effect is rather important for the most characters .


  6. Sometimes root activity dominance effect the cotton rhizosphere soil bacterial community , sometimes pathogen invading influence is dominant .


  7. The results are as follow : The additive effect , dominance effect and epistatic effect played different role in silkworm cocoon characters genetic variation .


  8. Significant additive effect and 1 3 kinds of epistatic effects were found in all crosses and significant dominance effect were detected only in 1 / 3 crosses .


  9. The ratio of sum of additive effect variance to total genetic variance were 18.8 % , and that of sum of dominance effect variance to total genetic variance were 81.2 % .


  10. The tomato Late blight-resistant genotype additive effect was the main effect , part of dominance effect were also existed , no epistatic interaction effect was found Accord with additive-dominant model .


  11. Additive effect and dominance effect were significant at 0.01 probability level in additive-dominance model ; Narrow-sense heritability and broad-sense heritability were 40.17 % and 67.94 % , respectively .


  12. The results indicated that : the pri - mary gene effects on the callus rate were dominant and dominant-dominant , on green plant rate were additive and dominance effect and on albino plant rate was epistatic interaction .


  13. The results indicated that the resistances to TMV , CMV and bacterial spot conformed genetically to the additive-dominant model but the resistance to phytophthora blight did not and significant epistatic dominance effect existed in it .


  14. Triploid endosperm and diploid maternal plant genetic effects were the major effects at the early filling stage , and diploid maternal plant genetic effects were at the middle filling stage and direct dominance effect and maternal dominance effect were at late filling stage and mature period .


  15. Dominance gene effect of spike length was higher than that of additive .


  16. Heterozygote of the major gene shows complete dominance with dominance effect 14.97cm ;


  17. The main research results as follows : 1 . The irritable curing characteristic of all treatments are accord with 2 pairs of major genes with additive , dominance and epistatic effect plus additive and dominance polygene ( E1 ) model .


  18. The results indicated that additive and dominance effects , with the dominance effect predominating mainly controlled the nuclear resistance .


  19. The phytate content in rice grain had significant variance of genotype , which was controlled by genetic system of maternal plant and seed , which among them , seed direct dominance variance is the most important effect , next is maternal dominance effect and maternal additive effect .
